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Wise Information Explorers

Searching smartly for answers online




AGE 08


30 MIN


Students will be able to:

  • Recognise that not all online search results are trustworthy sources of facts.

  • Differentiate between trusted and untrusted sources of information online.


This lesson plan by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Teacher's Guide

Overview for Teachers

This lesson teaches students on how to search for information online smartly and discern trusted sources.

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Welcome students to the lesson and briefly explain that today’s lesson is about the importance of selecting accurate sources when searching for answers online.

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Share the lesson objectives of what students will be learning today.

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Encourage critical thinking by initiating a class discussion around how students make the decision to believe if something is true or false. 

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Explain the process of using search engines to find information. 

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Introduce the concept of a trusted source, using examples of reliable and credible organisations or individuals.

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Highlight how the internet is made up of millions of web pages, so using keywords to search on Google or Bing is a simple way to filter out the information. 

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Out of the millions of web pages, not all of them will contain accurate facts. Websites can be created by experts or teachers, but they can also be made by regular people like me and you. Even bad actors can put up a website with fake information! 

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Stress the importance of verifying the credibility of online information and choosing trusted sources. Describe characteristics of trusted sources, such as accuracy, authority, and objectivity.

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Provide examples of trusted sources like news outlets and educational websites, clarifying why social media often isn't reliable. Teachers are encouraged to use local examples of news outlets and educational websites that your students are familiar with.

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Encourage students to seek assistance from adults or teachers when unsure about the reliability of information.

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Prepare an interactive activity where students evaluate various sources to determine their trustworthiness.

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Ask students to consider each image carefully, and decide if they should trust the information or not. Follow up with a discussion on how they’ve made their decisions.

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“This news site, CNN, reported that the oldest tortoise is 190 years old.”

  • Yes, you can trust this report because CNN is a reputable news outlet.

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“This YouTuber claims dogs can actually speak English.”

  • No, you cannot trust this source. YouTube is not a reliable or trustworthy source of information because anyone can post anything they want.

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“This forwarded WhatsApp message from a classmate claims that school is cancelled tomorrow!”

  • This source requires further verification. While your classmate might be telling you the truth, you should always check with an adult or teacher who will have accurate information. WhatApp is not inherently a trustworthy source.

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“National Geographic Kids claims that scientists have created broccoli that tastes like brownies.”

  • Yes, you can trust this source because National Geographic Kids is a reputable educational brand and website.

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Summarise the key points learned and facilitate a discussion reflecting on the importance of critical evaluation of online information.

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Emphasise searching smartly using trusted sources and verifying information to ensure its accuracy.

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Congratulate the students for their thoughtful participation and remind them to be wise information explorers by applying these skills in their daily online activities.


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